I’m aware it’s been approximately 200 years since I last updated my blog. Like many, the holiday season comes with a laundry list of things to do and I would say that I haven’t had time, but that’s a lie. I chose to drink red wine and watch movies or read a book in my leisure time instead of writing. Part of this was because I over-extended my writing muscle in the month of November by taking part in NaNoWriMo, which is an international…um…encouragement organization, for lack of better words. It cheers you on as you aim to complete a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.
Like most challenges I take on in my life, the initial commitment always brings out maniacal excitement from the depths of my soul. Then, usually about two weeks after said commitment, I start getting irritated with being “bothered” by such a chore. That’s what happened this time around. That, and the fact that my brain stopped thinking creatively and instead starting thinking about all the food I was going to eat on Thanksgiving. I ate a lot. It was glorious and I was completely satisfied with all the preemptive daydreaming I did about it. I got to about 36,000 words by the 16 day mark (and probably 36,000 calories on Thanksgiving). I think I will pick it up again in January, whenst everything has simmered down. I mean the writing - not the binge eating.
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Yup. Totally did. |
Hmm…what to talk about, what to talk about… I apologize in advance for the rambling topic changes you’re about to endure. I’m a little scattered these days. No, I will not share with you the inner workings of my novel. It’s a secret and you can read it when it hits the New York Times Best Seller list and I am on Barbara Walter’s Most Fascinating People list, thank you very much.
Greg and I will be traveling to Michigan for the holidays to visit friends and family –or in Greg’s case, friends who are family, because he has the biggest family in the universe. Not saying that’s a bad thing, because (fortunately for all parties involved) they all happen to be fun, hilarious, and easy-going and we enjoy seeing them. Thank goodness. We will go to Greg’s side of the state first and will spend a few days there. Then, in the spirit of joint-custody, we will go to my side. It will be tiring but a lot of fun.
I recently pulled out my high school yearbook from the dusty old bookshelf and looking through it brought back many good memories. I’d like to say that I was having a moment of nostalgia that innocently drew me to the yearbook, but alas, no. I saw that two people from my graduating class had died, and I didn’t know who they were and wanted to look them up to see if I recognized them. Morose, I know.
I soon digressed to the pages with different signatures and notes that my friends had left me and it felt bittersweet. Some talked about staying friends forever, some included inside jokes that I couldn’t remember to save my life, and some were just short and casual. One can’t help but think of what came of each person. I really hope that we have a ten year reunion in 2014, though I’m not sure all the people in our year’s student government, or whatever the heck it was called, are organized enough to pull it together. I hope so! Overall, high school was a good experience for me, though it’s safe to say that I was clinically insane like most girls of that age. I’m sure some of my high school friends can attest to that. Can I get a WHAT – WHAT! (Instant mood swing) Whatever! It’s not like any of you weren’t crazy at that age too! Don’t you judge me…
To be honest, I think I speak for most people when I say that I don’t really speak to most high school friends anymore, not intentionally but because we drifted. That’s why I love Facebook. I love to see what people are doing and who they’ve become. Overall, there’s probably only 4 or 5 people with whom I regret not staying in better touch. Why do we do that to ourselves? Why do we look back and say, “I wonder how he’s doing” or “I miss her.” I say reach out and attempt to spark up the friendship again. If it works out, great! If it doesn’t, then you gave it the ol’ high school try. It’s so easy to stay in touch these days, if you want to.
TOPIC CHANGE: (Warning! Cynical and possibly offensive text lie below)
I’m already incredibly aware at how elitist this sounds, so… you know, sorry.Okay, so you know when people get mad at you for not recognizing them in some way? For example, you didn’t send someone a Christmas card and now they are all snippy with you, or you didn’t wish them a happy birthday so they think you hate them.Allow me to break down for you my philosophy on this: I believe that it is my right as a human being to choose whether or not to send you any kind of well-wishes, gifts, condolences or anything of the sort. The moment you chastise me for not wishing you a “happy birthday”or not getting you a Christmas present defeats the intention altogether. Um… you are not seven so if I don’t Facebook you “Happy Birthday,” it’s usually because I wasn’t going on Facebook that day to be sure I personally handled the birthday list. I don’t care if you choose not to wish me a happy birthday or forget to get me a gift because it’s just another day. I don’t interpret it as a stab to my existence or anything. Anyway, that’s what really grinds my gears.I promise to try to remember your important day/thing, but half the time I forget what day it is myself, so you may accept me for this fault or you may hold a grudge for the rest of your life.I will carry on as usual. Thank you for listening.

TOPIC CHANGE: (and palette cleanser…sort of)
Oh, how delightfully nonspecific I am in my posting today! It’s like a tin of multi-flavored Christmas cookies! There’s something in it for everyone! So, December 21st is the end of the Mayan calendar, and many think the end of the world. May I interject my humble opinion?
- The Mayan calendar goes in a circle, which means it had to come back around at some point.
- The Mayans believed in gods that required sacrifice, both human and animal.
- The Mayans believed in drilling into one’s skull as a cure. If the patient didn’t die instantly, success!
- The Mayan civilization died out. The Greeks were around way longer and they seemed to figure out survival. Ask George Stephanopoulos. He seems to know a lot.
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If George isn't freaking out, there's nothing to worry about. |
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